At the beginning of the workshop, Dr. Thomas Charente, the LFSDP National Coordinator, has made his opening remarks for the 6th month project performance review participants. In his speech, he described the objectives of the review meeting, which will assess how well the regional programmes performed during the preceding six months. Participants in the project will also be discussed about challenges encountered, achievements reached, and next steps to be considered during the duration of the project. The regional coordinators presented performances so far and agreed to wrap up all the planned activities efficiently.

At the end of the session, Dr Thomas has given the direction for regions to effectively finalize the project implementation plan in the remaining time. To do this, all project sites have to address critical issues like data management, work evaluations, monitoring and compiling information on the performances so far and assets created during project lifetime.

Sample pictures Regional Coordinators during on the Presentation including Tigray Regions 

After the meeting Group picture with FPCU and RPCU 





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