The main objective of the mission is to assess the project’s overall implementation progress (IP) since the last mission in November 2023, and progress towards attaining its development objectives (PDO).

The Mission was opened with presence of H.E Dr.Fikru Regassa, State minister, Ministry of  MOA and Dr.Biruktayet Asseffa ,TTL of the project from the World Bank.

H.E Dr.Fikru Regassa provided his welcome address and put emphasis in managing the remaining project activities within the grace period provided.

The mission specifically focus on reviewing the progress made under each component and sub-component since the previous mission and the performance of the key implementing agencies, including the Livestock Development Institute, LDI, and the Agriculture Transformation Institute (ATI). The fiduciary and safeguard performance of the project, the status of the actions agreed during the last ISM, and an update on the progress of the LFSDP II preparation following an identification mission conducted on February 22–23, 2024. The mission will involve reviewing progress reports and conducting a comprehensive discussion with the project coordination unit (FPCU) and staff from implementation agencies. The field support mission will be conducted after the meeting and led by Biruktayet Assefa, Ph.D. (Sr., Agriculture Specialist, and Task Team Leader). The visits to accessible project sites will be conducted as of July 17 to 19, 2024 and discussions with the project beneficiaries will be conducted at field level. According to the LFSDP report,

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