A two-day workshop was held in Bishoftu town by the Federal Project Coordination Unit (PCU) of the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries Sector Development Project (LFSDP). The objective of the workshop is to discuss topics about Life of the Project (LoP) accomplishment reports and implementation completion and result report preparation (ICR).
It was opened by Dr. Thomas Cherenet, FPCU Coordinator. Regional coordinators, regional value chain specialists, and representatives from components B and C took part in the workshop and discussed about the lessons obtained and the pre-designed data collection template, which was presented by Dr. Eliyas Abiyu, LFSDP VC Specialist.
The ICR preparation and evaluation guideline was provided by World Bank M&E adviser W/ro Rahel Wondimu during the session, and it was discussed. Dr. Biruktayet Assefa, the World Bank TTL, provided an update on the status of LFSDP II.
At the end of the workshop, State Minister for the Fishery Sector of the MoA, H.E. Dr. Fikru Regassa, has given directions and ways forward on how to properly conclude the project within the agreed time frame while maintaining the high standards and quality of the planned activities.
Livestock and Fisheries Development Regional and Federal including World Bank TTL Group Picture in Boshofitu Oromia for general memory