Federal level LFSDP lead by MOA State Minster His Excellence Fikru Regassa (PhD) and Oromia PCU have visited Jimma zone LFSDP project woredas namely; Limu Kosa and Qersa woreda.
During the visiting 23 woreda project coordinators also have participated for experience sharing purpose. The field visit was mainly focused on the CIG activities engaged on four livestock value chains (Dairy, Red meat, poultry and fish farming) and their redness to transform to the second level intermediate subproject through different approach. The effort so far done by the regional Livestock and Fishery Agency and down word structure in general and LFSDP at all levels in particular is very encouraging. So far the beneficiary communities have also benefited from intervention and implementation.
The field visit was mainly focused on the CIG activities engaged on four livestock value chains (Dairy, Red meat, poultry and fish farming) and their redness to transform to the second level intermediate subproject through different approach.
Of the project through established CIG on the four livestock value chains.
The project is on the right track and achieving good result at CIG level and there is promising to transform to next level. The ratio of women and unemployed youth participation in CIG are very promising which actually follow the principle outlined in the PIM. With the existing technical support and follow up of higher level linked with technical project staff hopefully transformation path way will be speed up ,come to real and ultimately achieve PDO which means benefiting the targeted communities .
Since the project started its implementation 4140 CIG have been established with a members of 65,000 of functioning on four value chains. From the established CIG the share of Youth 26% and Women are 36% and the rest 38% are subsistence farmers.
In the conclusion of the field visit His Excellence Dr Fikru has also pointed out the established CIGs are on the promising stage and with the existing good working ground of experience and technical support at all levels the next stage of Intermediate subproject planning and process of implementation have already been started . The targeted communities have benefited from the project in job creation there by increase their income.