Field Observation Conducted in SNNP Regional State Kanbata Tenbaro zone
According to Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State Bureau Livestock and fishery sector development can be assured through integrated forage development and breed improvement. The higher official’s team, which…
Livestock and fishery Sector Development project /LFSDP/ W.B
Livestock and fishery Sector Development project /LFSDP/ W.B Eth- GAP 2 and Governance process 2 Training for intermediate sub –project implementer s in oromia Regions from 23 Zonal and project…
The LFSDP is aimed at increasing productivity and commercialization of producers and processors
The LFSDP is aimed at increasing productivity and commercialization of producers and processors in selected value chains, strengthening service delivery systems in the livestock and fisheries sectors, and responding promptly…
Project components -Component -C
The project component has the following major components: Component C: project coordination, monitoring, evaluation, communication and knowledge management Sub-component C.1: project coordination Sub-component C.2: monitoring, evaluation, communication and…
Project components- Component- B
The project has the following three major components: Component B: strengthening national institutions and programs Sub-component B.1: human resources and organizational capacity development Sub-component B.2: policy, planning and…
Project components- Component -A
The project A has the following major components: Component A: linking more productive farmers to markets Sub-component A.1: enabling sub-projects implementation Sub-component A.2: support to subsistence farmers and…
Araya red meat production and marketing Common Interest Group
Araya red meat production and marketing Common Interest Group Livestock and Fishery Sector Development Project-LFSDP Component A is one of the Livestock and Fishery Sector Development Project components aims at…
LFSDP / Livestock and fishery sector Development
LFSDP / Livestock and fishery sector Development Consultation Workshop on participatory Community based New Castle Disease Control Program in Village chicken using Tremors table( I-2) in Bishoftu January from 13…